Marketing and Empathy Psychology
How to Conduct a Harassment & Bullying Investigation To Restore Harmony and Reduce Liability

By - Dr. Susan Strauss RN Ed.D.

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Title IX and the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights requires that colleges and universities receiving a complaint, or otherwise learning of alleged harassment campus, investigate in a timely manner and take appropriate corrective action to end the harassment and prevent the misconduct from recurring. That’s a tall order to ensure a just and fair handling of a harassment complaint – an essential order that campuses are required to follow. The investigation process is, perhaps, the most critical element in dealing with harassment. In cases that have gone to court it is often due to inadequate or absent investigations of complaints.
While there is no such legal requirement for instances of bullying (in which the definition varies widely), it is at the organization’s peril to not investigate bullying complaints. It is possible that an incident of “bullying” may be motivated by the target’s protected class and constitute illegal discrimination or harassment.
The courts have opined that workplaces, which includes colleges and universities, must prevent and intervene on harassment complaints. Not only is investigating a prevention and intervention tactic, but the Title IX Coordinator or HR professional tasked with conducting an investigation should be trained in how to do so—this also demonstrates prevention.

Even if you have been doing investigations for years – if you have never been trained, how do you know if you are conducting them correctly to prevent liability, determine the accuracy of the complaint, corroborate evidence, determine credibility, and form an opinion? This program will cover the intricacies of conducting a harassment investigation.

What you will learn:

  • To identify what needs to be documented regarding credibility of each witness, the target, and the accused
  • To determine credibility of each interview and to document
  • How to draw conclusions and document
  • To include the critical elements of the investigative report
  • To include the most frequently missing elements from reports
  • To determine and document in the report the required follow-up actions

Who Should Attend:

  • Title IX Coordinators
  • Human Resources Professionals

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Speaker Detail

Dr. Susan Strauss RN Ed.D.

Dr. Susan Strauss is a national and international speaker, trainer and consultant. Her specialty areas include management/leadership development, organization development, communication, and harassment and bullying. She trains and consults with business, education, healthcare, law, and government organizations from both the public and private sector. She has been an adjunct professor at several universities. Dr. Strauss has authored over 30 book chapters, books, and articles in professional journals. She has been featured on 20/20, CBS Evening News, and other television and radio programs as well as interviewed for newspaper and journal articles. She is a Registered Nurse, has a master’s degree in Health Sciences and a doctorate in organizational leadership.

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